12 Steps And The Bible

A Biblical Guide To Addiction Recovery
And Healing


12 Steps And The Bible is an
extremely enlightening 82-page step-by-step entertaining guide for people seeking to release God’s power in their lives.

You’ll have fun and enjoy your recovery process as you receive in-depth spiritual insight and scriptural guidance into each Step.

What makes the 12 Steps And The Bible so unique and different is…it goes straight-to-the-heart of the addiction and deals directly with the root of problem.

You’ll discover why…once a person condemns themselves, they are doomed to repeat the cycle of addiction again and again.


To DOWNLOAD “12 Steps And The Bible” – Click HERE!

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3 Responses to 12 Steps And The Bible

  1. Donna Gentry says:

    Bob and Shelly: I am now on Sep two! However, working step one daily. I wake up and I pray”Lord this is the day that you have made, and I rejoice and I am glad in it. I am powerless over people places and situations,and Father whatever you send my way today, let it all be for your GLORY” In Jesus Name Amen, The I read The 12 steps & the Bible that I have from you guys along with the Addiction Bible Scriptures, and it is so funny that no matter how I am feeling, the scripture is right on time! I know that I am powerless today, yet I do have control over my door-knob ~ who I let into and out of my house, and where I allow my self to go, and I am in control of my mouth and what I say to others, and what I speak over my life! You guys are such an inspiration and I will never be able to thank you enough for doing GOD’S WILL IN CHRIST Donna Gentry

  2. J.R. Reaver says:

    Thank you both for what you are doing. Thank you for the great information that you have written. I will use it in my prison ministry. I started two prison ministiries in York and Adams County Prisons in Pa. I am always looking for new materials to use. I purchased your three ebooks and can’t wait to get into them. I myself am a recovery alcoholic and have been clean and sober since April 1, 1991. Praise God! Thank you again and God Bless you both.

    • J.R…you are a blessing. Keep up the GREAT
      prison ministry. God is using you in a mighty
      way. Congrats on the many years of sobriety.

      May God continue to bless and prosper you as
      you walk out your destiny.

      Robert Jakobsen

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