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2 Responses to Contact Us

  1. Brother Will says:

    JESUS is our Good Shepherd and Great Physician, and Oh so much more….Our Exceedingly, Exceedingly Great Great Reward!! (Genesis 15:1 Psalm 23 John 10:10-30 John Chapter 17 Philippians 2:5-11 Philippians 4:4-20)

    By inspiration of God’s Blessed Holy Spirit,I wanted to say THANK YOU precious-and-beloved Bob and Shelley (“anointed and blessed soldiers of the LORD!) for your sacrificial, heroic works of mercy and grace in Jesus’ most powerful and most merciful Name! As you both truly know, our evil, sin-filled, pain-filled world is full of so many type of addiction problems, sins, bondages, “evil spirits” etc. and it is so WONDERFUL and GLORIOUS that our Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ has called you both into His Lifesaving (Isaiah 61:1-7 Luke 4:18-19) “setting the captives free”=”beauty-for-ashes” deliverance ministry!!

    Keep up the great work (as it is sorely and desperately needed!) and please know that I have prayed for you both today that you shall receive a “double-Benjamin portion!” of His Holy Spirit this very day…so expect your ministry to increase 10-fold this very hour if you receive this HeavenSentRhema in true “joy-and-faith” and ACT upon it by first “jumping for NewJoy and singing a Glorious NewSong of Praise-and-Worship-and-Thanksgiving!!” (See Luke 1:37-55)

    Prayerfully and Faithfully, in His amazing grace, eternal love and unfailing tender mercies which are NEW every day,

    Your lesser brother,
    (God’s) Will, a Lifeguard for Jesus (Luke 19:10 Proverbs 31:8-20 Psalm 103 Matthew Chapter 25 James 5:13-20)

    Yes, “Weeping may last for a long, dark night, but God’s Glorious NewJoy cometh in His time-appointed morning!” Psalm 30:5 Isaiah 49:7-9 John 14:6-14 Luke 11:9-13 1st Cor. 15:57
    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen and Amen!!
    Thursday Morning 24/September/2009 4:10am (est)
    NewPsalm 107:20-32 Matthew 19:25-26 Jeremiah 31:3-14

  2. Shannon Chastain says:

    Just wanted to say thanks. I have recently taken a job as the house manager of the Nehemiah House which is a transitional house for women coming out of prison. I am studying so that I can further help these women. I live in the house with them and want to be an encouragement to them. I am a Christian and this is a faith based program. I feel blessed that God has directed me to this websight.
    Just wanted to let you know that I believe this will be a great tool in helping these women stay clean and lead productive lives.
    Thanks again,

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